4.3.4 Progress reports to decide reasonableness
Progress reports are mainly used to determine whether a particular medical and like service is reasonable in terms of the nature and frequency of service. However, progress reports can be requested for a variety of reasons by the Agent or WorkSafe, employer, Conciliation Officer, Medical Panel Under the legislation, unless inconsistent with the context or subject-matter — Medical Panel means a Medical Panel constituted under Division 2 of Part 12 or solicitor.
Worker action
On their WorkSafe Injury Claim form, workers sign the authority which authorises a medical or hospital service provider to:
- provide information (including a report) about the service provided in connection with the work-related An injury/disease is work related if it arose out of or in the course of employment and the scope of employment. injury or illness
- release that information (report) to parties authorised by WorkSafe.
Agent action
Consider requesting a progress report if:
- the claim is long-term or becoming long-term
- modified duties are available and the worker’s capacity needs to be assessed
- reports from private investigators indicate that the worker is fit to return to work – whether for pre-injury or modified duties or a different time fraction
- medicine or treatment is inconsistent with the injury or illness
- there may be a more effective, alternative course of treatment for the injury or disease
- the worker is seeking an excessive level of para-medical or ancillary health services
- the level of servicing is increasing over time
- services have been provided for extended periods of time and ongoing management requires review in line with the Clinical Framework for the delivery of health services.
Send a legible copy of the worker's signed consent on their claim form to the medical practitioner who is overseeing the worker’s treatment.