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4.3.5 Determining ongoing entitlement

Compensation for medical and like services (medical and like benefits) will cease to be paid:

  • 52 weeks after a worker’s entitlement to weekly payments ceases, unless exceptions apply;

  • 52 weeks after a worker’s entitlement to medical and like services arises, where a worker’s claim was accepted for medical and like services only, unless exceptions apply; or

  • 13 weeks from the date a worker became entitled to provisional payments, where a worker’s mental injury claim was rejected.

52 week Medical and Like Entitlement Review (MLER)

When a claim has reached 52 weeks post:

the claim should undergo a medical and like entitlement review (MLER). During this review, Agents should determine whether:

  • medical and like benefits should cease

  • any exceptions apply that allow medical and like benefits to be maintained.

Exceptions excluding a claim from the MLER

Medical and like benefits will not be affected by the 52 week rule where a worker:

See: 6.3 Common Law | 6.4 Settlements

Additional considerations for the MLER

Medical and like benefits may also continue beyond the 52 weeks if:

  • a worker has returned to work but could not remain at work if the service was not provided

  • a worker has returned to work but surgery is required

  • a worker requires modification of a prosthesis

  • the service is essential to ensuring a worker’s health or ability to complete necessary activities of daily living does not significantly deteriorate.

To determine if any of the above circumstances apply to a worker, a MLER may be required.

Note: The questions in the MLER process must be answered as at the date the Agent is completing the review, not the date the MLER process was initiated.

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