Employer eligibility for WISE
An employer is eligible for WISE The WorkSafe Incentive Scheme for Employers (WISE) aims to secure full or part-time, durable work for workers who cannot RTW with their injury employer by placing them with a new employer. The new employer is paid a wage subsidy for taking on the worker. when the following conditions are met :
they have a Victorian workers’ compensation insurance policy In this Act — workers compensation cover means insurance or registration required under a law of another State or of a Territory in respect of liability for statutory workers compensation under that law and WEN number; or
they are an interstate or Commonwealth Government employer with a current workers’ compensation insurance policy appropriate for the State or jurisdiction in which the worker will be employed (see also New or recurring injuries during WISE); or
they are a self-insurer and the worker was not injured while working for a self-insured employer (see also New or recurring injuries during WISE); or
the worker in question is a family member Family member means a partner, parent, grandparent, sibling or child of the worker or of the worker's partner and no other suitable employment option is achievable (see also Employer access to WISE for family members).
An employer is ineligible for WISE where employment is:
a traineeship or apprenticeship
with a labour hire company, employment agency or group training organisation, unless the worker is directly employed by the organisation (i.e. the worker’s time and labour is not on-hired to another business or third party).
New or recurring injuries during a WISE placement
If the worker stops work because of another injury, they should contact their Agent. The Agent will determine if the injury is related to the old claim or is a new claim. If it’s a new claim, it is lodged with the new employer’s Agent.
Premium protection
Employers are eligible for premium protection under WISE.*
This means that the cost of a new claim will not affect the new employer’s WorkCover insurance premium as the cost is excluded from their injury insurance premium calculation for two years after the WISE start date. However, the new employer still needs to pay the employer excess.
If WISE is approved for interstate employers, they must have a Victorian WEN number so they can have WISE registration on ACCtion (see also WorkCover Employer Number for the process).
*WISE employers that are self-insured, or interstate or Commonwealth Government employers are ineligible for premium protection under WISE.
Note: Employer excess amounts are indexed on 1 July each year.
Employer access to WISE for family members
An employer can access WISE to employ a family member, if the Agent is of the opinion that it is the most suitable employment option for the worker.
The Agent must request evidence from the business that satisfies the Agent, that it:
- is financially viable and is likely to remain so for the 6 months of WISE
- has a current WorkCover insurance registration
- was established at least 12 months before WISE was sought or considered
- the worker is not a company director or board member of the company.
No obligation to accept job offers made through WISE
A worker doesn’t have to accept a job offer made through WISE. However, their WorkSafe Agent should contact them to discuss any issues or concerns if they don’t accept a job offer.
A worker’s entitlement to weekly payments may be affected if they can work and don’t make reasonable efforts to return to work, including looking for suitable employment with a new employer when they can’t return to their previous employer.
Worker responsibilities during WISE
The worker must:
work within the agreed conditions and any functional work restrictions as they apply to the WISE placement
tell the new employer, Agent or OR Occupational Rehabilitation provider about anything they think may stop them completing the WISE placement
where possible, attend any medical and like treatment outside of work hours if the treatment relates to a continuing claim.
Email questions about WISE to occupational_rehab@worksafe.vic.gov.au.