4.5.20 Household help Agent receives request | Reviews request | Arrange ADL (OT) assessment | Review OT recommendations | Determines liability | WorkSafe approved services | Provision of firewood | Exceptional circumstances and additional considerations | Ride on mower supply

Household help is the provision of basic and routine housework and gardening tasks the worker performed pre-injury and can no longer perform as a result of their work-related An injury/disease is work related if it arose out of or in the course of employment and the scope of employment. injury or illness. Household help is only provided in the primary residence of the worker, and is a referred service.

Household help services can be provided short-term to support a worker during their recovery, with an initial approval period of 6-12 weeks. Additional services of up to 12 weeks may be requested and considered for approval following an initial 12-week period if it has been identified by the worker’s treating health practitioner (THP Treating Health Practitioner) that further support is necessary.

Where services continue to be requested following an approval period of 24 weeks (accumulated) the services should be provided as part of a treatment plan developed with an Occupational Therapist (OT) and the worker’s THP. The plan should consider self-management strategies and use of adaptive equipment to maximise independence.

If a worker is significantly injured (e.g. severe and permanent injury/eligible for the Community Integration Program) and requires long term supports as recommended by their THP, Household help services can be approved for a longer duration (6 -12 months based on the referral recommendation).

Household help considerations

Agents can pay for Household help services where all of the following apply:

  • the Request for household help services form has been completed and received from the worker’s THP

  • the Household help request: Worker declaration form has been completed and received from the worker

  • the requested services are for tasks the worker performed prior to their work-related injury or illness (not performed by other family members Family member means a partner, parent, grandparent, sibling or child of the worker or of the worker's partner or purchased labour) and can no longer perform as a result of the injury/ illness

  • the requested services relate to routine and essential tasks only, associated with the worker maintaining themselves in their primary residence

  • the Agent has granted prior approval for the services before they commence

  • the Agent considers the services reasonable and appropriate considering the impairment of the worker’s functional capacity and domestic circumstances. Considerations include:

    • what the worker’s requirements of living were at the time of the injury/illness

    • whether the worker’s family/household members contribute, or can reasonably be expected to contribute, to the requested household tasks.

  • the cost of the service is reasonable and in line with WorkSafe’s household help fee schedule.

See: Household Help Services Fee Schedule

New household help requests for short term services are valid for a maximum of 12 weeks.

Workers with active approvals prior to 1 August 2024, are currently not required to complete the Request for household help services form and the Household help request: Worker declaration forms. Workers may be required to complete the new forms in the future. Agents will be notified when this changes comes into effect


See: Policy for Household Help

The policy provides guidelines for household help services. It includes:

  • what costs can be paid for
  • who can provide services
  • housework tasks
  • lawn mowing and gardening tasks
  • information required to pay for services.
Fee schedule

See: Fee Schedule for Household Help Services

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Agents may receive a request for household services from a worker or their THP (e.g. physiotherapist Registered physiotherapist means a person registered under the Health Practitioner Regulation National Law to practise in the physiotherapy profession (other than as a student)., osteopath, chiropractor, or medical practitioner). To satisfy the requirement of a referral for Household help, the Agent must receive the following forms:

  1. Household help request: Worker declaration. The worker completes and signs this form only once during their claim. This form provides additional details about the living situation and requirements of the worker, and can be completed on behalf of the worker if assistance is needed.

  2. Request form for household help services. This form is completed by the worker’s primary THP. An updated request form is required from the primary THP every 12 weeks in order for services to continue (except where longer term services over 6 months are approved).

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