Urgent repairs out of business hours

From 1 January 2018, workers requiring urgent repairs of essential rehabilitation equipment will be able to contact a Contracted Equipment Supplier outside of business hours, with the service pre-approved by WorkSafe up to a $1,000 threshold.

When is a repair urgent?

When the worker’s mobility or safety is at risk The probability of the worker not returning to work is known as the risk or risk factor. For example: if a worker is likely to return to work, the claim is categorised as low risk. and the equipment requires urgent servicing to perform to the manufacturer’s specifications.

Note: urgent repairs must be differentiated from emergencies and workers should contact emergency services in any emergency situation.

Types of equipment that qualify for urgent repair
  • wheelchairs (powered and manual)
  • powered scooter
  • electric hoist
  • electric bed
  • alternating air pressure care mattress
  • commodes
  • feed pump
  • respiratory - ventilator & suction

Pre-approved repairs only apply to equipment purchased from the Contracted Equipment Suppliers or equipment purchased through the WorkSafe Equipment Purchasing Team. Pre-approved repairs do not apply to equipment purchased directly by the worker. Pre-approved repairs exclude any repair done under warranty periods or conditions.

What if cost of repair exceeds $1,000

If the repair is required outside of business hours and it is essential to ensure the worker’s immediate safety, WorkSafe will cover the reasonable cost of the repair without prior approval. If the repair is requested during business hours and exceeds $1,000, the Contracted Equipment Supplier is required to submit a quote to WorkSafe for review.

After hours contact for urgent repair

Workers can contact a Contracted Equipment Supplier directly for urgent after hours repairs.

See: List of suppliers for urgent after hours repairs Ride on mower supply

If the worker’s injury means they cannot return to completing household tasks in the same manner as

pre-injury, adaptive equipment may be considered to help the worker maximise their independence in

accordance with the Household Help Services policy.

WorkSafe may consider paying the reasonable cost of, or make a contribution to, the purchase of ride on

mower or like vehicle, where all of the following conditions are met:

  • the injured worker was solely responsible for completing the task pre-injury

  • the Agent has considered the reasonable contribution of family/household members to completing lawn mowing tasks

  • the injured worker seeks independence with assistive equipment to complete the task

  • a long-term assistive equipment solution is required

  • the injured worker's condition is stable and capacity is not expected to change

  • supply of assistive equipment will replace provision of WorkSafe funded mowing services

  • the Agent has received a written request from the worker’s treating health professional recommending supply of a ride on mower or like vehicle

  • an assessment has been completed for household help services where the assessing health professional has recommended adaptive equipment supply in place of long term services

  • an Occupational Therapist has completed the Ride On Mower Prescription Form recommending equipment supply with supporting evidence (measurement recordings, detailed site photos showing identified hazards, photo and/or video footage of the worker trialling the equipment, related notes)

  • the worker has successful trialled the recommended equipment at their property and demonstrates the functional capacity to safely operate the equipment. Store trials are not acceptable.

  • the size of the worker’s garden (property curtilage – area to be mowed) at the time of their injury necessitates a ride on mower e.g. greater than 2000sqm or as clinically justified as reasonable and necessary

  • the injured worker’s property has an area where the equipment can be securely stored (e.g. garage or shed)

  • the request has been approved by the Agent

  • the Agent has assessed reasonable cost by obtaining one written quote for equipment items valued at or below $50,000, or three quotes for equipment valued above $50,000

  • the injured worker has signed a Capital Services Agreement where the equipment cost is equal to or greater than $10,000 (ex GST Goods and Services Tax)

See: CSA Template - Ride on mower (WIRC) | CSA Template - Ride on mower (AC)

What WorkSafe won't pay for

In relation to any WorkSafe-funded or partially-funded ride on mower or like vehicle:

  • any running costs (including fuel and other consumables)

  • maintenance

  • repairs

  • equipment supply cost for more than one ride on mower for the life of the claim

  • cost to replace equipment for any reason (e.g. damage, stolen, misuse)

  • equipment supply cost for any secondary residence or holiday home

  • equipment supply cost where the injured worker moves to a new property post-injury which requires additional maintenance to their pre-injury residence

  • lawn mowing service costs following the provision of a ride on mower or like vehicle

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