Reviews request

Once the Household help request: Worker declaration and Request form for household help services have been received Agents should review them and determine the worker’s eligibility in accordance with the Household help services policy. The documents should be consistent with other claim information on file, including:

During this review the Agent should determine and/or assess the following:

  • the necessity and reasonableness of the household help tasks requested

  • the relationship of the injury or illness to the requested service

  • whether the service is for the worker

  • whether the worker undertook the requested tasks pre-injury

  • the worker’s ability to undertake the tasks post injury

  • the size of the worker’s home/garden at the time of the injury

  • the worker’s family circumstances

  • the reasonable contribution of family/household members

  • when independence of household tasks and any assistance that may be required is expected

  • liability for the household help tasks requested.

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