4.3 Pay medical & like services

4.3.1 Seek prior approval of services | 4.3.2 Receive account or receipt | 4.3.3 Determine what is reasonable & necessary | 4.3.4 Progress reports to decide reasonableness| 4.3.5 Determining ongoing entitlement

4.3.1 Seek prior approval of services

Some services require prior approval before the services are provided. This applies both to an accepted claim, and where the worker is entitled to provisional payments for a claimed mental injury.

For example, prior approval may be required for specialist services such as surgery or inpatient hospital treatment.

The Agent will either:

  • accept liability or
  • deny liability

for the service.

Service provider

To obtain prior approval, the worker’s treating practitioner submits a written request with supporting medical evidence, that outlines the:

Workers may be asked to provide further information or assist the Agent to obtain further information from their service provider.

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