WISE payments
WISE The WorkSafe Incentive Scheme for Employers (WISE) aims to secure full or part-time, durable work for workers who cannot RTW with their injury employer by placing them with a new employer. The new employer is paid a wage subsidy for taking on the worker. is paid directly to new employers, in three instalments over a 26 week period as follows:
1. Work commencement payment: $2,000 – fixed amount.
2. Week 13 payment: 45% of the person’s gross earnings for weeks 1–13 up to a maximum of $12,000.
3. Week 26 payment: 45% of the person’s gross earnings for weeks 14–26 up to a maximum of $12,000.
WISE payments are paid against the worker’s claim and included as part of the pre injury employer's claim costs. This means WISE payments may affect the pre injury employer’s WorkCover insurance premium.
WorkCover Employer Number
Once a placement is secured, the WISE employer needs to be registered on ACCtion with a WorkCover employer number (WEN) to enable WISE payments to be made.
If an employer does not have a WEN, the Agent and OR Occupational Rehabilitation provider should arrange for them to register for WorkCover insurance.
For employers who are self-insurers, or interstate or Commonwealth Government employers, details in the ‘Application to register for WorkCover insurance’ should be restricted to the minimum requirements for an ACCtion registration, with $0 remuneration completed. These details are:
- question 2 Legal Name of Employer
- question 7 Contact person
- question 22 Business or trading name
- question 23 Physical location of workplace and
- the Consent and Declaration must be signed and dated.
Agent makes WISE payments
When the Agent receives a WISE payment form and verifies the worker is still working, they should make the appropriate payment.
GST & indexation
WISE payments are not subject to GST Goods and Services Tax and are not indexed on 1 July each year.
Employer must regularly pay worker
The worker must receive a salary /wages like any other employee at the WISE employer’s workplace. The employer must not wait to receive the WISE payments before paying the worker.
WISE payments not included in employer’s premium advice
A Victorian employer will include the gross wages or salary paid directly to a WISE employee as part of their annual WorkCover insurance remuneration advice.
WISE payments made to the employer should not be included in this advice.
WISE payment example
Ann Smith is offered a new job as a receptionist for a real estate agent. Her gross wage is $980 a week and she started working on 15 April 2022.
Payment | Action | Amount |
Payment 1 - Fixed Fee on or about 15 April 2022 |
WISE Payment | $2,000 |
Payment 2 - Capped at $12,000 After week 13 on or about 15 July 2022 |
13 weeks x $980 = $12,740 WISE = 45% of $12,740 |
$5,733 |
Payment 3 - Capped at $12,000 After week 26 on or about 14 October 2022 |
13 weeks x $980 = $12,740 WISE = 45% of $12,740 |
$5,733 |
Total paid: | $13,466 |
OR provider WISE payments
The OR provider claims payments for facilitating a WISE placement, however the payment differs for workers who were or were not participating in an NES New Employer Services service at the time of the WISE placement. The OR provider cannot claim NES based incentives as well as WISE placement fees, they can only claim one type of payment. OR provider invoicing requirements are explained below.
Worker participating in NES services
If the worker was participating in NES services when they accepted a WISE placement, the OR provider should submit an invoice for an RC889 placement report when they submit the WISE payment form for the employer.
If an NES RTW Return to Work incentive is payable after 13 weeks, the OR provider should submit an invoice for the appropriate incentive (item number RC890 or RC891).
Worker not participating in NES services
If the worker was not participating in NES services when they accepted a WISE placement the OR provider will be ineligible for NES incentives. Instead, the OR provider should submit an invoice for WISE provider payments using item number EWP200 (payment type 216) when they complete the NES Placement Report and invoice for a WISE placement under payment type code 216, item number EWP200.
If a WISE sustainability and action plan are payable after 13 weeks, the OR provider should submit an invoice for payment type code 216, item number EWP203.
Note: When making a payment to an OR provider under payment type 216, the OR provider’s provider number must also be entered in the ‘placement agency’ field.
Worker non-entitlement period at the 13 week sustainability date
If the worker was not receiving weekly payments due to a non-entitlement period at the 13-week sustainability date, no NES RTW incentive is payable as there is no impact on weekly payments.
However, if the WorkSafe Agent and OR provider agree that the criteria for a 13- week WISE sustainability payment has been satisfied, the OR provider should submit a WISE sustainability and action plan with an invoice for payment type code 216, EWP203.
The OR provider should prepare the WISE sustainability and action plan with the worker and employer. At this time, they should outline any actions, including OR service recommendations, that may be needed to help the worker remain at work.
WISE payment form identifier
The WorkSafe Agent should use the item number plus the last four digits of the claim number as an identifier.
For example, a Week 26 payment invoice number for claim 01 25 0001234 would be 1W261234. 1W26 (item number) + 1234 (last 4 digits of a claim number) = 1W261234.
Making a WISE payment
To make a WISE payment, the service date must be within the dates of an active WISE registration.
When a worker starts a WISE placement, WISE payment 1 should be paid, even if the WISE placement may stop before the next payment is due.
Week 1 payment
When a Agent receives a WISE payment form, they should make the payment within 20 working days of the earlier of:
WISE start date(ACCtion WISE registration start date)
the receipt of the WISE payment form
The Agent makes the payment using Payment Type Code 211 and item code 1W12 ($2,000 fixed fee) with the same service date that is on the start and end date on the invoice.
Week 13 payment
Employers can submit this payment on or after 92 calendar days from the WISE start date.
The Agent makes the payment using Payment Type Code 212 and item code IW13 (45% of gross wages paid to the worker for the preceding 13 weeks, capped at $12,000), with the same service date being used for the invoice start and end date. Any payment exceeding $5,000 will require supervisor approval.
Week 26 payment
Employers can submit this payment on or after 183 calendar days from the WISE registration start date.
The Agent makes the payment using Payment Type Code 212 and item code IW26 (45% of gross wages paid to worker for the preceding 13 weeks capped at $12,000) with the same service date being used for the invoice start and end date. Any payment exceeding $5000 will require supervisor approval.
Email questions about WISE to occupational_rehab@worksafe.vic.gov.au.