5.5.6 Other OR services approved by WorkSafe Worker RTW or training travel | Workplace equipment or modifications | Training course approval | 130 Week vocational assessment report | Recovery Support Service | Volunteer Support Service

In addition to OES Original Employer Services and NES New Employer Services services, the legislation authorises WorkSafe to recognise other OR Occupational Rehabilitation services as required. Worker RTW or training travel

The Agent may approve the cost of travelling to and from:

Worker RTW travel to another workplace of the injury employer

The Agent may approve this type of travel cost where the return to work is at another workplace of the injury employer (i.e. not the workplace where the worker was injured) and this workplace is at a significantly greater distance from the worker’s residence when compared to the distance between the worker’s residence and the workplace where they were injured.

Worker training travel

The Agent may approve this type of travel cost for a worker travelling to and from an approved training course.

Worker travel to worker interview

The Agent may approve this type of travel cost for a worker travelling to and from a worker interview arranged by the Agent.

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Travel using public transport

If the worker uses public transport, they may seek pre-payment or reimbursement of the travel costs by advising the Agent of the dates (individual days or weeks) of the travel and providing a photocopy of the Myki or ticket.

If the travel is to another workplace of the injury employer, the worker may seek pre-payment or reimbursement of additional public transport costs associated with travelling to this workplace.

Public transport travel may include taxi, however, the Agent must ensure that there is medical evidence confirming that this is only appropriate form of transport for the worker for the foreseeable future. When advising the worker that taxi travel has been approved, the Agent must confirm the dates on which taxi travel has been approved and confirm that future approval of taxi travel will require new medical evidence.

Travel by private vehicle

If the worker uses a private vehicle they may seek pre-payment or reimbursement of the travel costs as a petrol allowance.

If the travel is to another workplace of the injury employer then the worker may seek pre-payment or reimbursement of additional travel costs of travelling to this workplace.

The worker may claim the same petrol allowance that would apply if they were travelling from their residence to the rooms of a practitioner who is providing a medical and like treatment service.

See: Travel expenses

Worker RTW or training travel not approved

If an Agent does not approve a worker request for return to work or training travel, they must advise the worker in writing the reasons for their decision and appeal rights.

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