Assess further hearing loss

Prior hearing loss means a loss of hearing for which a worker has received compensation (under any compensation law of the Commonwealth or a State or Territory of the Commonwealth).

Prior injury means industrial deafness for which the worker has received or become entitled to receive compensation for loss of hearing.

Agent to convert

The Agent is to convert the current hearing loss NAL to whole person impairment.

The Agent is to convert the prior hearing loss NAL (or equivalent) to whole person.

Assessing further hearing loss

If a worker lodges a claim for further hearing loss the percentage impairment from any prior assessments should not be deducted from the new assessment.

Note: Only those claims that have a previously compensated prior injury or hearing loss are to have their entitlement calculated in line with the legislation.

See: Del Borgo v Nisselle & Ors

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Determining liability – claims lodged on or after 18/11/04

If a prior hearing loss claim has been made and compensated Agents should obtain the following information before determining liability for a ‘further injury’ hearing loss claim:

Level of hearing loss has not deteriorated

If the evidence indicates that the worker’s level of hearing has not deteriorated liability should not be accepted for any claimed deterioration/further injury.

Marginal increment in hearing loss

If there is a marginal increment in hearing loss and the Agent cannot determine whether the deterioration is work-related further testing (eg CERA testing) should be arranged to assess liability.

Liability accepted for subsequent deterioration

If a subsequent deterioration in hearing loss is confirmed and liability is accepted the Agent:


Within the calculation method:

“T” refers to the current total whole person impairment and

“P” refers to the prior total whole person impairment.

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