Medical and like expenses (ISP)

WorkSafe can pay the reasonable costs of medical and like expenses between the worker’s injury and subsequent death under Immediate Support Payments.

See: Types of Immediate Support Payments

Monetary limits on medical and like expenses under Immediate Support Payments are indexed each July, in accordance with the CPI Consumer Price Index.

Maximum indexed rates

The following table lists the maximum statutory amount for medical and like expenses under Immediate Support Payments. Amounts are indexed 1 July each year.

Date of death from Maximum rates for Immediate Support Payment (medical and like expenses)
01/07/2024 $11,040
01/07/2023 $10,630
01/07/2022 $9,840
01/07/2021 $9,600
01/07/2020 $9,480
01/07/2019 $9,290
01/07/2018 $9,100
01/07/2017 $8,910
01/07/2016 $8,780
01/07/2015 $8,620
01/07/2014 $8,500

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