4.5.1 Acupuncture

WorkSafe can pay the reasonable cost of acupuncture services:

See: Cost of services

Requirements for acupuncture services

Acupuncture is a requested service. A worker can access requested services with a written request from their medical practitioner.

To consider payment of the reasonable costs of acupuncture services the medical practitioner request must be provided to the Agent in writing by the worker or healthcare provider. The medical practitioner should supervise and monitor the worker’s treatment to ensure it is assisting the worker’s recovery and return to work and in line with the clinical framework.

Referral to other health services

Acupuncturists cannot provide requests/referrals to other health services.

Treatment reports

Agents are not able to request or pay for reports for acupuncturists. Reports on a workers treatment progress must be provided by the requesting medical practitioner.


The policy provides guidelines for acupuncture services.

See: WorkSafe's policy for Acupuncture

The policy provides guidelines about:

  • who can provide services
  • referral requirements
  • expectations for service delivery under the Clinical Framework
  • what costs are payable
  • what costs are not payable.

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