Service Providers Directory - available listings

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Approved Bulk Dangerous Goods Driver Courses Listing of Contacts providing Dangerous Goods Driver Courses, ADG Code 7th Edition. The provision of this service is governed by Dangerous Goods (Transport by Road or Rail) Regulations 2008.
Approved Occupational Rehabilitation Service Providers WorkSafe - Victoria, through its Authorised Agents, purchases approved occupational rehabilitation services related to compensable, work-related injuries and administers a system of approval for organisations and individuals to deliver approved occupational rehabilitation services in Victoria.
Approved occupational rehabilitation services can only be delivered by providers approved by WorkSafe - Victoria.
More information: approvals process, update directory details - fax: 9641 1842, email
Asbestos - Licensed Removalists Listing of Asbestos Removalists licensed under the Occupational Health and Safety Regulations 2007.
Class A Asbestos Removalists are licensed to remove all forms of asbestos and asbestos containing material.
Class B Asbestos Removalists are licensed to remove only non-friable asbestos containing material (such as cement sheeting, vinyl tiles).
Class A - Specific - Asbestos Removalists are licensed to remove specific forms of asbestos and asbestos containing material.
Class B - Specific - Asbestos Removalists are licensed to remove specific forms of non-friable asbestos material.
Authorised Agents The Authorised Agents List is no longer maintained here. For the list of current Authorised Agents, see the WorkSafe Agents page.
Authorised Pyrotechnicians Listing of Authorised Pyrotechnician Providers.
Construction Induction - Connected in Real Time Approval of Registered Training Organisations (RTO) to provide Construction Induction (CI) Training is governed by the Education and Training Reform Act 2006 and is administered by Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) and/or The Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority (VRQA). The details of RTO's that are approved to deliver CI training can be found at where you will find the most current information. WorkSafe Victoria maintains the list here of RTOs that are authorised to deliver CI Training using Connected Real Time Delivery (CRTD) methods.
Construction Induction - Registered Training Organisations Approval of Registered Training Organisations (RTO) to provide Construction Induction (CI) Training is governed by the Education and Training Reform Act 2006 and is administered by Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) and/or The Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority (VRQA). The details of RTO's that are approved to deliver CI training can be found at where you will find the most current information. WorkSafe Victoria maintains the list here independently of
Dangerous Goods Driver Licence Course - Approved RTO Listing of contacts providing Dangerous Goods Driver Courses (ADG7 Edition). The provision of this service is governed by Dangerous Goods (Transport by Road or Rail) Regulations 2018.
Explosives Training Explosives Vehicle Driver Training Providers, Use of Blasting Explosives Training Providers, Pyrotechnician Training Providers Approval to provide training for the services listed here is governed by the Dangerous Goods (Explosives) Regulations 2022.
Health and Safety Consultants The OHS Consultants List is no longer maintained by WorkSafe Victoria. See WorkSafe page on Professional OHS advice
High Risk Work Training and Assessment A Licence Assessor is a person or organisation who is authorised by the Victorian WorkCover Authority to carry out assessments of competency in respect of one or more classes of high risk work. Registered Training Organisations (RTO) listed here have arrangements to also provide assessments in addition to training.
HSR OHS Training Courses - WorkSafe Approved Providers

Under section 7(g)(ii) of the Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004 (OHS Act), WorkSafe Victoria ("the Authority") approves courses in occupational health, safety (OHS) and welfare.

Duly elected health and safety representatives (HSRs) and deputy HSRs are able to attend the following WorkSafe HSR OHS training courses for the purposes of representing their designated work group (DWG).

Contact the WorkSafe approved training providers (listed in the links below) directly for information about their training delivery schedules, the cost of training, the location of the training etc.

  • HSR Initial OHS Training Course - This is a 5-day course intended to equip HSRs with the confidence, skills and knowledge to understand and effectively exercise their powers under the OHS Act (2004).

  • HSR Refresher OHS Training Course - This is annual training that is available to HSRs and their deputies who have completed the HSR Initial OHS Training Course. It aims to refresh their OHS knowledge and skills.

Please refer to section 67 of the OHS Act for the full provisions relating to OHS training for HSRs.

If your organisation is interested in seeking approval to deliver WorkSafe approved HSR OHS training courses, you must first attend an Information Session. These sessions are run online between 9:30am to 12:30 pm three times per year, typically in February, June and October. The sessions provide you with information on the WorkSafe requirements, conditions of approval and the application process.

To register your attendance to a scheduled Information Session or for further information contact the HSR Training Team by email at

Occupational Physiotherapy Service Providers An occupational physiotherapist is a registered physiotherapist with experience in managing musculoskeletal conditions, particularly with assisting injured people in remaining at or returning to work.

Occupational physiotherapy services can only be delivered by a physiotherapist approved by Worksafe Victoria.

For more information on Occupational physiotherapy services, click on this page or email
VWA Approved Hearing Aid Providers If you are seeking services from a Hearing Aid Provider you must ensure that they are approved by WorkCover before any service is delivered. This directory is a complete listing of all providers approved for the Provision, Repair, Adjustment and Replacement of Hearing Aids to WorkCover claimants in accordance with the Accident Compensation Act 1985.
VWA endorsed training in - Role of a Return to Work Coordinator Listing of training providers approved by the Victorian WorkCover Authority to conduct "Role of a Return to Work Coordinator" training. How to become an approved training provider.

Service Providers Directory