Deviation of impairment determinations

If an Agent assesses impairment at a different percentage to the Impairment Assessor/s to ensure that the determinations are as accurate as possible, before the worker being advised of the determination, the Impairment Benefit Specialist The Impairment Benefit Specialist is responsible for managing the end to end impairment determination process for workers in accordance with the requirements of the legislation. must follow these procedures.

If the IB Impairment Benefits Specialist is to clearly and concisely set out the reasoning adopted in coming to the impairment determination.

Impairment determination

The IB Specialist is not required to complete the Peer Review proforma if the determination does not:

  • deviate by greater than or equal to 5% whole person impairment or
  • deviate from the degree of impairment provided by the IA and either increase or decrease the impairment to above or below the common law threshold of 30%
Impairment determination deviates greater than or equal to 5%

If the determination of impairment deviates from the degree if impairment provided by the IA by equal to or greater than 5% whole person impairment the IB specialist must:

  • peer review the determination with either a Senior IB Specialist, Team Leader or IB Manager (whichever is appropriate) and
  • document the peer review
Impairment determination deviates above or below 30% common law threshold

If the determination of impairment deviates from the degree of impairment provided by the IA and either increases or decreases the whole person impairment to above or below the common law threshold (30% combined whole person impairment) the IB specialist must:

  • peer review the determination with either a Senior IB specialist, Team Leader or IB Manager (whichever is appropriate)
  • document the peer review and
  • advise WorkSafe of the determination and provide at that time a copy of the completed peer review proforma.

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