Reviews request

The Agent reviews the treating health professional request along with the tools for household help decision making. All available information on the claim file should be considered when determining the worker’s functional capacity and entitlement for household help services, including:

Further information required

If further information is required:

  • contact the worker or the requesting treating health professional
  • send a standard letter seeking further information (MSR4) to the treating health professional
  • request an ADL (OT) assessment
WorkSafe approved services

Agents should refer to the Household Help policy and the following lists to determine if the type of household services requested have been approved by WorkSafe:

  • Housework tasks authorisation lists and cost/service guidelines
  • Gardening tasks authorisation lists and cost/service guidelines

Exceptions: Any request for services not listed within the checklists must be discussed with a suitably qualified person and referred to WorkSafe's Claims Division

The Agent should consider the following criteria when assessing whether a service is reasonable and appropriate for the worker:

  • the relationship of the injury or illness to the requested service
  • whether the service is for the worker
  • whether the worker undertook the tasks pre-injury
  • the worker’s ability to undertake the tasks post injury
  • the size of the worker’s home/garden at the time of the injury
  • the worker’s family circumstances
  • the reasonable contribution of family/household members.

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Adverse decisions

If information indicates the worker is not entitled to household help services (eg service is not related to the injury) or the request is for a household service which is not approved by WorkSafe (eg car washing), the Agent should reject the request.

Short-term household help

The Agent can approve household help without an ADL assessment where the worker:

  • is eligible for household help services
  • the expectation has been set with the worker that this assistance is typically in place for a short period of time while the worker increases their independence
  • the treater has indicated a reasonable period expecting to regain independence in this activity
  • the level of services being requested is reasonable given information provided
  • was recently injured or has recently had surgery
  • has not been paying for household help services prior to injury.

To determine complex household help requirements the Agent may consider arranging an ADL (OT) assessment.

If an Agent is unsure of a worker’s injuries or capacity or the worker has a complex social situation, the Case Manager should speak to a suitably qualified person (injury management) about arranging an ADL (OT) assessment to determine any household help.

See: Short-term household help services ready reckoner

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Approve short-term household help

If the request is greater than the outline in the table below the Case Manager will require documentation to support an alternative arrangement.

  • housework
    Option Hours of service Frequency Duration Total # of sessions/hours Rates
    House work 2 hours per session Fortnightly 6 - 12 weeks Up to 6 sessions / 12 hours As per WorkSafe fee schedule
  • lawn mowing/gardening
    Option Hours of service Frequency Duration Total # of sessions/hours Rates

    Option C

    Summer (1 Oct – 31 Mar)

    As per quote Fortnightly 12 weeks 6 sessions

    Gardening – As per WorkSafe fee schedule

    Lawn mowing – as per quote

    Option D

    Winter (1 Apr – 30 Sept)

    As per quote Monthly 12 weeks 3 sessions

    Gardening – As per WorkSafe fee schedule

    Lawn mowing – as per quote

Note: Lawn mowing quotes must be reasonable. Lawn mowing is only applicable for the residential area of a worker’s property.

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