4.5.18 Hearing services & devices

The reasonable costs of approved hearing services and devices can be reimbursed to workers for their work-related An injury/disease is work related if it arose out of or in the course of employment and the scope of employment. injuries or illness.

Prior approval should be obtained before a hearing device is provided, using the Hearing Assessment and Device Request form or the Hearing Assessment and Device Exception Request form.

A WorkSafe Approved Hearing Device List for a given year is sent to contracted providers annually. Providers should select hearing devices for workers from this list that meet the worker’s needs.


Refer to policy for Hearing Services & Devices including information about:

  • who can provide services and devices
  • what information is needed to approve services and devices
  • what WorkSafe will and will not pay for

See: Cost of services | Hearing Services Fee Schedule for Contracted Providers | Hearing Services Fee Schedule for Non-contracted Providers

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